Praying Friend Wanted - Girlfriends in God - June 28, 2022

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June 28, 2022
Praying Friend Wanted
Rachel Wojo

Today’s Truth

I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers (II Timothy 1:3 NIV).

Friend to Friend

Bone-weary and mentally exhausted, the morning had arrived, and another day had begun. I’m guessing you’ve been there. When the phone rang, I did my best to listen to the voice on the other end of the line.

My heart skipped a beat at the news of my loved one. It was cancer. Before I could finish the call, the phone vibrated again. Upon ending the voice conversation, I read the text: “How can I pray for you?” 

The friend who sent the text had no idea of the news I was receiving when she sent it. She only knew that the Holy Spirit was prompting her heart to text me, and she obeyed. I’m so grateful that she did. Only God could orchestrate the perfect timing of her text. What a wonderful friend to have–one who loves her friend AND listens to the whispers of God! 

The first few verses Paul writes in his second letter to Timothy introduce a great love for his dear friend. The letter itself is an act of friendship but in the introductory section of II Timothy, Paul’s attitude toward prayer provides an example for us today. Our key verse for today says he constantly prayed for his friend. He cherished Timothy’s tears and anticipated the day when they would encourage one another face to face. He thanked God for Timothy, his dear friend, and remembered him constantly in his prayers. Paul called out Timothy’s name before the throne of heaven, thanking God for him and interceding on his behalf.

“Since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives” (Colossians 1:9). Timothy wasn’t the only friend who enjoyed the blessing of Paul’s prayers. In his letter to the Colossian church, he describes his prayers for the entire congregation, a whole friend group! 

The friend I mentioned above who asked how she could be praying for me reminds me of Paul. She’s not only a friend; she’s a praying friend. By praying first, she values her friendship. Sometimes it feels challenging to find a praying friend. But I’ve discovered that we find praying friends by becoming a praying friend. 

Who could use your prayers today? Let’s be a friend by praying for those God impresses on our hearts. Let’s treasure the prayers of our friends and lift their needs as Paul did for Timothy.

A caring friend is a praying friend and a praying friend is priceless in times of crisis.

Let’s Pray

Dear Father, the wind of the world is blowing strong and the whirling stress it ushers in overwhelms me. Whether coming up short in dollars and cents or failing short of being good enough, the swirl of the burden presses my soul. In spite of heightened senses, I have lost the ones I need the most- the sense of your presence. Will You help me remember that You are here? Will You help me relax and rest in Your love? May the tension release and melt into peace that only You can provide. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Now It’s Your Turn 

Have you ever felt impressed to pray for someone when you didn’t know why? 

Who has God placed on your heart to pray for today, perhaps during a season of sorrow?

Share in the comments!

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31 Days of Prayer for the Heart book coverRachel’s Beautiful 31 Days of Prayers for the Heart prayer cards make the perfect gift to give to a praying friend or yourself! “These cards are spot on when I can’t find the words.”—Savannah.

© 2022 by Rachel Wojo. All rights reserved.

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