A Prayer to Include Family Worship in Your Family's Routine - Your Daily Prayer - March 2

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A Prayer to Include Family Worship in Your Family's Routine
By: Megan Evans

Bible Reading: "One generation will declare your works to the next and will proclaim your mighty acts." - Psalm 145:4 (CSB)

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While the idea of family worship is desirable, implementation often comes with challenges. Today's families are busy, easily distracted, and scattered. Having raised three children of my own, I get it. Between work, school, sports, hobbies, and other activities, the family calendar stays full from morning to night. It's hard enough to keep screens down and eyes on one another, so where does intentional time with God fit into our daily routine? 

As believers, we already have what we need to start building a family worship routine today! Think of it like brick-building. Jesus Christ is our firm foundation, and through our love and personal relationship with Him and promised guidance from the Holy Spirit, we can begin layering each day with praise, thanksgiving, and devotion.  

Every time we point our children's eyes to Jesus, we spread another layer of mortar between their hearts and praise. For example, when we tell our children that God made the beautiful butterfly that just landed on their finger, they learn to worship Him as Creator. When we pray together before trying something new, kids learn to worship God as their True Peace and Confidence. When we talk about how God helped people in the Bible as we face hardship, we teach worship of God as our True Identity and Strength.  

As it says in Psalm 145:4, "One generation will declare your works to the next and will proclaim your mighty acts." Incorporating worship into our family's routine is a privilege and blessing to our families. As parents (and other routine caretakers), our willing hearts become the willing hands with which we can set worship in place. Let's set an example by making church a priority, loving others, and sharing what God is teaching us in Bible study, prayer, and daily faith.

Family worship can look like spontaneous moments as well as intentional times of focused devotion together, and God will bless our efforts to teach our families to seek Him. Prayer is the place to begin! Ask God to show you how to begin worshipping as a family, then faithfully follow His lead day by day—and keep trying.  

I recall my family's unique experience. One night after dinner, a popsicle placed in the eager hands of my four, seven, and nine-year-old children gave way to five quiet minutes. During those captive moments of slurping, I carefully reached behind me to open the latest children's devotional I had purchased in hopes of learning to study the Bible together. Those moments led to a brief Bible story, a question or two, and even smiles as we bowed to praise God and thank Him for teaching us His Word. I couldn't quite believe we had finally pulled it off!  Everyone was still at the table—and no one was even crying! It wasn't deep theology or a fancy lesson plan with song and craft, but it didn't have to be. For my family, this worship routine seemed to work for us.  

I decided to try again the next night and the next. It was real life, and it didn't always look perfect. There were still occasional staggered meals and nights Dad worked late. We soothed cranky tears, rubbed backs, and coaxed syllables out of emerging readers who soon wanted a turn reading from the Bible. But a neat thing took place over the next several years. As my family fell in love with our dessert devotional time, we also fell in love with worshipping the Lord together. 

We were made to worship! One glance at humanity and you can see a world struggling with misplaced awe and devotion. Our human hearts naturally want to bow to something, and worshipping together guides our families to find true fulfillment in the worship of the One True God. New habits take time and practice to implement. As we seek God's help, He will reveal worship opportunities and give us creative ideas that will work for our unique family structure.  

Let's Pray:
Father God, you are worthy of all our praise and devotion. Teach my family to incorporate your holy worship into our daily routine and create in us a desire to put you first. Lead me as a parent (or other caretaker) to model enjoyment and give me a willing heart. Teach me creative ways to reach my family and not to give up. Help us learn to guard the time set aside for you and build our day around you rather than trying to squeeze worship into leftover margin. Today's fast-paced world rarely leaves blank spaces of time in our day, and you deserve our best. Forgive us when we've given you less. Lead us to prioritize corporate worship at church, where we can come together with other believers to praise your Name and study the Bible. Then, throughout the week, stir our hearts to read your Word, listen, and talk with you in prayer. Point our hearts to the awe and wonder of your character and promises, and help us share with one another what we are learning as we grow and experience you, God. May this be the day we incline our hearts to praise you always! In Jesus' Name, Amen.  

Photo Credit: ©thinkstock

Megan EvansMegan Evans is a military wife, and a mother to three wonderful children. She and her family reside in middle Tennessee. As an author and blogger with a heart for discipleship, Megan writes, speaks, and teaches women about enjoying God in each busy day. Check out her book, “Permission to Walk: A 40-Day Journey to Unhurried Peace” and learn the daily pace of life that Jesus taught as we daily navigate this distracted and fast-paced world. You can connect with Megan at www.unhurrymyheart.com.

Listen to the Your Nightly Prayer Podcast

We're proud to announce we've just launched a new nighttime companion to Your Daily Prayer: the Your Nightly Prayer devotional. You can find it on the website at crosswalk.com/devotionals/your-nightly-prayer, where you can sign up to receive it every evening in your inbox. We hope it's a relaxing and soothing way to wind down your day with rich meditations on God. Check out an episode below:

Struggling with acceptance or feeling misunderstood? Remember, your true identity is found in being fully known and loved by God. Let His unconditional love be your anchor, and rest tonight in the assurance that you are cherished beyond measure. Listen to this episode of Your Nightly Prayer, and if you like what you hear, subscribe on Apple or Spotify so you never miss a new episode!

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