A Prayer for When You Are Worried
By Kyle Norman
Bible Reading: “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life” (Matthew 6:25)
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Have you heard of the slc6a4 gene, found on chromosome 17q12 in the human body? No? Well, this small gene apparently affects our lives in large ways. Scientific research has uncovered that this gene relates to our experience of worry. “The worry gene” it is sometimes called. According to research, those who have a shortened version of the gene are more likely to worry than those who do not. I wonder, how many of us are now worrying that we have the worry gene?
Anatomy or not, we can’t deny that worry happens. We live in a worrisome world. There are stresses and anxieties that occur as part of everyday existence. We may fret over our job situation, or a relationship, or a trial or hurdle we face. In fact, worry is so normal for our lives, we might hazard to say no one ever really lives a worry-free life. Worry affects us all indiscriminately; it doesn’t care how wealthy or healthy or successful or we are; life is fragile, and our earthly security is always temporary. The transitory nature of human life, the fallenness of the world outside, and the sinfulness of the heart within, means worry is something we often contend with.
But, if worry is so universal, so intrinsic to human life, why does Jesus say something so unrealistic as “Do not worry about your life.” What is more, if we have the “the Worry Gene” is this even possible? Is Jesus mistaken when he voices these words? Is he calling us to something we can never achieve?
See, that’s part of the point. Without Jesus, we can never achieve this. Without Jesus as our confidence and our salvation, the things of the world will often seem insurmountable and oppressive. This is why, a few verses later, Jesus calls us to, “Seek first the kingdom of God, and God’s righteousness.” It is only in an abiding relationship with Jesus that worry begins to subside.
Jesus knows exactly what he is saying. As prone as we may be to fret over the things we cannot control, Jesus calls us to remain fixed on him. See, worry is but another form of meditation. Worry is the process by which we take a situation or an event and turn it over in our minds again and again and again. We fill up our soul with this type of rumination. This type of meditation keeps us soiled in despair and negativity; it holds before us that obstacle or that fear, that stress, or that struggle, and it produces nothing but feelings of hopelessness or discouragement. The more we fixate on the worry, the less we focus on Lord.
When Jesus says, “do not worry’, he is not suggesting that there is nothing to worry over. Jesus knows that’s not the case. But he says “Do not worry” because instead of focusing on that which we can’t control, we are to set our minds on Christ and his gracious presence. Because it’s only in Christ we find our hope and our life.
His strength breaks the hold of our biggest anxieties, his grace is far superior to every worrisome or fearful situation. When we focus on him, giving him our attention and devotion, we find we can walk through whatever situation we find ourselves in. We do not worry about our lives, because we are confident Jesus holds our life and nothing we face can overcome him.
What are you worried about today? What causes you sleepless nights? Remember, Jesus is with you, faithfully and eternally. This means you can trust in his provision and his care. What might it look like to turn your attention to Jesus in the place of your worry? Can you dare to believe Jesus offers you security in his presence? Could Jesus be saying to you right now, “Don’t worry.”
Wherever you find yourself, may you trust in Jesus, who is bigger than all your problems, stronger than all your fears, and more present to you than any of your worries. Do not worry about your life, Jesus is with you.
Let Us Pray:
Gracious Jesus, sometimes I am so overwhelmed by my worry and my stress, I lose focus on your presence. My worry consumes me to the point of sleeplessness or heartache; Yet you call me to rest in your presence, and to find in you my heart’s strength.
Lord, I know you are always with me in whatever I face. Help me to see your presence. Bless my eyes to notice you in my comings and goings; bless my ears to hear your word of hope, peace, and salvation. And dear Lord, when I am tempted to worry, to let my mind get stuck on what is before me, give me the strength to set my mind on you.
Jesus, I reach out to you, confident that in this moment I can give you all my stresses, all my worries, all my anxieties; and in return you give me grace and peace. Be my hope, be my joy, be my strength and my refuge. This I pray in the name of Jesus my Lord. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Wallace
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Struggling with acceptance or feeling misunderstood? Remember, your true identity is found in being fully known and loved by God. Let His unconditional love be your anchor, and rest tonight in the assurance that you are cherished beyond measure. Listen to this episode of Your Nightly Prayer, and if you like what you hear, subscribe on Apple or Spotify so you never miss a new episode!
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