A Prayer for When You're Facing a Health Crisis - Your Daily Prayer - July 27

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A Prayer for When You're Facing a Health Crisis
By Amanda Idleman 

“Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.” - Jeremiah 17:14

Our bodies so often betray us. They are not made to last, and the aches we feel as we age remind us that life here on Earth is short. We wither like the plants, here and then gone. In our fallen world, sickness, pain, and death follow us. Pain reminds us that this body we are given is merely a tent, housing us until the day we are made new in Heaven. This struggle against sickness and death brings suffering and uncertainty. When we find the lump, get the call, or feel the pain, anxiety sets in because we don’t know what troubles tomorrow could hold. We often wonder why God!

Why did my cells fail me? Why did my organ stop working? Does my DNA lead to suffering? It’s impossible to understand why we each suffer in different ways but we do know that God never wastes our pain. In John 11 we read about Lazarus, Jesus’ friend. While Jesus was out, Lazarus faced a health crisis that led to the rapid deterioration of his body. Jesus was summoned, but before he made it back to his friends, Lazarus’ body gave out, and he died. The community was devastated, and Jesus empathized with their pain. However, Jesus promised that this suffering would be for God’s glory! The grief and loss felt by the community would not be wasted; in the end, it would become a powerful testimony that verified that Jesus was the Son of God. 

When we are in the place of Lazarus, we may wonder where Jesus is. Why is he taking his time to show up and heal us? Death may even feel like the end for those around us. We may not be able to see how God can make something beautiful out of our suffering. But Jesus sees us. He has not forgotten us. Jesus took his time to return to Lazarus because he knew the end of the story! He knew that not even death would get in the way of God’s plan for Lazarus’ life, and even in Lazarus’ death, God would be glorified. Jesus never wastes our pain when he is our God and King. 

We can trust God even when we get bad news or when someone we love is facing a health crisis. Remember Jesus wept for Lazarus and he does the same for us. He empathizes with our pain and promises to use the brokenness of this dying world for God’s glory. Even better than that he tells us that he prepares a forever home for us in Heaven where there will be no more sickness, pain, suffering, or loss. No matter what we face today, we have the Heavenly promise that the best is yet to come! Death, where is your sting? The grave has been overcome by our King!

If you got the call you hoped never to get, remember Jesus invites us to ask him for everything we need. Cry out for healing, ask him to be present in the midst of the suffering, and remember he is worthy of our praise even when the news is not what we hoped for. 

Let’s pray: 

Jesus, I thank you that you weep with me. You are the God who sees me, and for that, I am so grateful. Even as I face a crisis, I stand on the promise in your word that if you are for me, then no one can be against me. You are a great healer, and I ask that if you are willing, you would take this pain away from me. God, use my story for your glory. Don’t waste my pain. Even in this moment of desperation, I choose to worship you, to trust that you hold each and every day you have planned for me in your hands, and I choose to believe that I have hope no matter what the outcome of what happens to my body may be. Let me move forward with eternity in mind, remembering that even as our bodies fade, our soul grows closer to you. Amen. 

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/kieferpix

Amanda Idleman is a writer whose passion is to encourage others to live joyfully. She writes devotions for My Daily Bible Verse Devotional and Podcast, Crosswalk Couples Devotional, the Daily Devotional App, she has work published with Her View from Home, on the MOPS Blog, and is a regular contributor for Crosswalk.com. She has most recently published a devotional, Comfort: A 30 Day Devotional Exploring God's Heart of Love for Mommas. You can find out more about Amanda on her Facebook Page or follow her on Instagram.

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