A Prayer to Pay Attention When God Speaks to Our Hearts
By Laura Bailey
Bible Reading:
“So Moses thought, ‘I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.’” - Exodus 3:3 NIV
Listen or Read Below:
“Mom, I think something is wrong with me. I can’t hear God speak,” my daughter shared before our nightly Bible reading. A few weeks prior, our family began reading through the Bible before bedtime. Starting in Genesis, many of the Scriptures were familiar to my daughter. Yet studying the text verse by verse was a new learning experience for her and opened the door to new questions and reflections.
I encouraged her to journal, jotting down thoughts, things she wanted to explore more in-depth, and any questions she may have had. Before our next reading, we discussed her reflections from the previous night. Last night, we studied the story of Moses and the burning bush. Even as an adult, the telling of Moses conversing with God through a burning bush, one that, while on fire, didn’t burn up, insight awe and amazement. I shared with my daughter that I’ve had similar thoughts, wondering if I would ever experience a “burning bush moment.”
In the past, I felt it necessary to hear God audibly talk to me, like how I interact with my husband or a friend, to know what He wanted from me and for me. I began praying God would tell me the names of friends and family, even strangers, who needed prayer, a meal, a note, or anything within my power to meet. I expected to have a similar, or at least a whisper, of the interaction Moses experienced.
However, in my desperate attempts to “hear” God speak, I missed all the times He was talking to me. Like when I drove down the road and someone’s name popped into my head - that was the Holy Spirit nudging me to reach out to that person. Or when I wake up in the middle of the night with someone’s name on the tip of my tongue, again, that is God speaking to me and answering my prayer to be used by Him to help others.
As I began to pray and read my Bible consistently, diving in and dissecting Scripture, verse by verse, I sensed the Holy Spirit’s presence like never before. I’ve realized that God speaks to me constantly, just not in an audible voice. Believers know that nothing is left to chance or just happens; God controls everything because He is sovereign.
So why do we act so surprised when something we can’t explain suddenly occurs to us, attributing it to luck or coincidence? Claiming these moments as random thoughts, we miss the many times throughout the day that our Heavenly Father is actually speaking to us, not just to use us for His glory but also to reassure and comfort us as His children.
Although I often jest that I would love for God to talk to me from a burning bush like He did to Moses - it would be much easier to make decisions or to understand my role during this season of life - it would probably terrify me. Would I react like Moses if I heard my name called out of flames? Would I slow down enough and “turn aside” to hear, to listen? Or would I go on about completing my tasks, “tending my sheep,” too busy to bother with the extraordinary, the miraculous?
God communicates to us in various ways, primarily through his Word. Moses didn’t have the Bible, but we do, and there is no substitute for reading it and meditating upon it to know who God is and what he desires of us. Sure, God also uses the words and actions of his children, brothers, and sisters in Christ to convey his messages, and that’s important to remember. In addition, Romans 1:20 and Psalm 19:1-4 tell us that God speaks through nature, his creation, which is all around us. Sometimes, I just need to pause and open my eyes, ears, and heart to see and hear God’s voice. No “burning bush moment” is required.
Let’s Pray:
Heavenly Father, let us be so in tune with your Spirit that we confidently hear when you speak to our hearts. Let us act on what we perceive as “out of the blue” thoughts. Use us to encourage the Church, believers in Christ far and near. Let us be willing and ready to hear and follow you however you lead us.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Yuri Manei via Canva Pro
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Struggling with acceptance or feeling misunderstood? Remember, your true identity is found in being fully known and loved by God. Let His unconditional love be your anchor, and rest tonight in the assurance that you are cherished beyond measure. Listen to this episode of Your Nightly Prayer, and if you like what you hear, subscribe on Apple or Spotify so you never miss a new episode!
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