A Prayer to Help You Wait for God’s ‘Yes’ - Your Daily Prayer - April 26

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A Prayer to Help You Wait for God’s ‘Yes’
By: Maggie Meadows Cooper

“This is not the one the Lord has chosen.” - 1 Samuel 16:8

There have been so many times in my life I have sought direction from the Lord. Choosing a school, finding my husband, waiting on a job, or deciding if I should help with a ministry. And there were so many times He said "this is not the one" and closed a door. In truth, I wanted to jump ahead, make a decision, and be done with it! I made a few choices that didn't end well.

But in His grace and mercy, over time, He showed me that if I didn't wait on His yes...it wouldn't be His BEST.

In 1 Samuel 16, Samuel has been sent to anoint the next king of Israel. He is with Jesse, in front of seven of his sons. The first steps forward, but Samuel says, "This is not the one the Lord has chosen." The next steps forward but Samuel says, "Neither is this the one the Lord has chosen." This happens with five more sons, and Samuel says, "The Lord has not chosen any of these."

Seek God, inspirational image

Now y'all, I think by the time we got to son four, I might have tried to talk the Lord into choosing him and be done with it. But Samuel didn't. He persisted and asked, "Are these all the sons you have?"

And they weren't. There. was. one. more: David.

Now, what if Samuel had stopped? What if he hadn't been obedient and patient and faithful enough to wait? What if he hadn't persisted in seeking the Lord's best? What if?

But because of his obedient heart, he did. David was brought in, and the Lord said, "This is the one; anoint him."

It took eight tries. EIGHT, y'all. And it was worth it.

Don't give in to your fears, your disappointments, your worries over tomorrow. God is faithful, y'all. He will provide. He will guide you. Seek Him. Seek him with all your heart. And rest in His arms until you hear, "This is the one."

His yes is best, my sweet friends.

Dear Jesus,

Thank you so much for always being faithful. Thank you for waiting on me, when sometimes I think I am waiting on You. Please forgive me for my impatience and unbelief at times, as I wait for Your ‘yes.’ Help me to believe you will do what you say, in your perfect timing. And help me have an obedient heart that seeks you and your will above all else. Help me not grow impatient waiting for your will. Remind my heart that your will is the best plan for my life. Spirit, help me be like Samuel, obedient, patient and faithful as I wait to hear from you.

In Your Mighty Name,


Maggie Meadows Cooper is a wife, mom, educator, author, and blogger with a longing for women to grow a heart for Jesus and others. She is the author of the children’s book “Bumper” and blogs at The Little Moments about what the Lord is teaching her through her children and everyday life. She contributes to Blogs by Christian Women, Devotional Diva, She Disciples, and Connecting Ministries. An educator with an M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education from Auburn University (War Eagle!), she has twenty years of experience working with young children. She loves all things chocolate, real Coca-Cola, and lives with her husband, three children, and two rambunctious dogs in Opelika, Alabama.

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